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Thoughts & Inspiration

I would be more afraid to live a long life and waste it, than to lose it. I would be more afraid to pass a moment saying something wrong, with words that didn´t come out the way I wanted it to than- wandering, looking back & thinking,´´ I should have said something or prayed for this person, and I didn´t.´´ ….The moment already passed. LIVE FEARLESSLY. To live out of fear. It can hold you back from so much. 

Soooo this week my team & I are in Leon, Nicaragua staying in a hostel to do ministry. I am going to tell you about today. After waking up, getting ready we all meet, and decide to all go off in seperate ways and just write down any thoughts we feel The Holy Spirit is putting on our hearts. Words, images, colors, songs. Anything! This morning I got- birds, the color white, flowers,a white dog, umbrellas and a dirt pathway. In Nicaragua, since I speak spanish I am constantly just going up to strangers, talking with them. & I am learning continuosly to LOVE & LIVE FEARLESSLY. To live out of fear. It can hold me back from so much. I could miss opportunities. For The Lord says.. ´´For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. ¨2 Timothy 1:7 ¨´David also said to Solomon his son, "Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished. ´´ 1 Chronicles 28:20

Needless to say after walking around doing ministry this morning, I get this heavy feeling to go towards this huge Catholic Cathedral in the middle of town. I end up finding this older lady sitting by herself on the steps. Talking with her, I find out how her grand daughter is in the hospital right now for her appendix. Also this lady has horrible back pain, and the look on her face and her presence was full of sadness. I HAD to stay with her. I end up hanging out with her this afternoon. I got to pray for her. I cried, because I felt her sadness. For the first time I was Really broken by a person here in Nicaragua. I was so happy I got to buy her breakfast. I got to just spend time, talk with her, and love her. That is the craving for humans. To be loved. That is all that God calls us to do. Love The Lord, and others. & to be able to do that brings me so much more joy than what can be explained in words. When I ended up leaving her, she had a smile on her face. She gave me hugs, kisses and she felt appreciated. She felt loved. She is precious. I will probably never see her again, But I just pray she holds on to that love she felt today. It wasn´t from me, it was from Jesus. Oh & when hanging out with her..I´m leaning against a white church. There are flowers along the steps of the church, and the pattern of her purse and skirt were of flowers. There are umbrellas all around us. There are birds flying over us, and hopping along. I look to my left and see a long dirt pathway…& a big white dog. God works in funny ways. He is SO good, I over look my blessings every single day. I am beyond blessed.

5 responses to “Love Fearlessly.”

  1. So amazing, I think we all miss so much. How wonderful God showed you in such a wonderful way the things he would bring into each day. This is a reminder to me to listen to God first…before I start the day. I hope you are saving these writings, you will look back on them with such great joy!!

  2. Another well written blog Nay Nay. I feel God is not only using you to touch the lives of you did with this elderly woman…but he is teaching you so much. Keep sharing the love of Jesus and the Gospel message fearlessly. Proud of you! But…no more tattoos. smile

  3. I see God has blessed you with the “gift of writing”, NayNay. You heart and soul pours out through the stories you tell and experiences you encounter. You are receiving almost more than you are able to process but God has it all planned out to use each experience for his glory. There is so much need in this world, as you are finding out. We can’t help all but the ones we can touch, we pray it will make a differnce and they will go on to help others and will share the love of Christ. Praise God for His love.

  4. Wowwww!! Amen! Sounds like God is just unveiling His gifts on you as you continue to be obedient and say “yes”! What a cool word of knowledge/vision to get those “random” words and then be used by God and see every one of those things. Amen! Don’t stop Naynes, praying for you tonight. – David