
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

"And the second is like it," Love your neighbor as yourself." –Matthew 22:39

When first stepping off our truck the first week here in the small village of Bethel…All I could could see was poverty. Little kids running up to me absolutely filthy covered with dirt, and snot. I see flea-infested dogs, and dirt roads. I see trash on all corners of the streets-it's all my eyes can pick up on. I see tatered, worn-out clothes on people who've never left this small village. I  feel unbearable humid weather. I feel dirty.
Not until this week, I realize how much my perspective has  completely changed.
Stepping off the same truck, in the same exact place 2 & a half months later….
I see joyful crazy kids jumping up on me with the sweetest smiles. I see community. I see a beautiful volcano in the background, with gorgeous scenery every where I turn. I see my friends. I see-I feel Happiness.
I can not express in words how much of a blessing Nicaragua has been to me, and how much my heart has changed. 
Before living here, before this trip I had different priorities. I was living for myself. I had right intentions, but my heart wasn't necessarily in the right place. When something didn't go my way, when something wasn't planned how I wanted it to be. It frusterated me. I had anxiety-Always looking ahead, not living in the NOW.
My eyes are opened to so much. And like Bethel, I am in the same place, yet everything looks different.
I never want to live for me! Something will always bring me down. I LIVE FOR THE LORD. "..We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand."- Isaiah 64:8 I let God mold me into the NayNay He wants me to be. It happened here in Nicaragua.
 It stil remains a mystery, and I can't quite specify a time and place. However, I am transformed. Never again, will I see through the eyes of my past. I no longer live in the past. I no longer live with, "what-ifs"
It's almost like everything is a  bit clearer.

I had a period here, where I was confused, frusterated, and I did not think I could enjoy being here for almost three months. However, it ALL turned around. Once I really prayed. Once I really looked at what I was frusterated with. Once  I realized that I let minor nonsense things distract me. I found my joy. My joy in loving The Lord. My joy in loving everyone here. I am so happy, I just want everyone to feel how I do! I want everyone to know the joy they can have, when it's from The Lord.
I could definitely be doing this the rest of my life 🙂

5 responses to “2 and a half months later, and I have a new heart.”

  1. Thank you guys:) I really can’t believe how much God is working in my heart…but I love it! Love & Miss you too!!

  2. We are both praying for you as you make the transition from Nicaragua to the Philippines. You will not have the language advantage there that you have had where you are now, but I am sure God will use you in so many ways during the next three months.

  3. I love that everything turned around once you really focused on praying through the situation. So good NayNay! You are going to bring so much light to so many people. Continue to trust and rest in Him.

  4. So awesome NayNay! God is good! Excited for you to start your next adventure in the Philipines. It will be so cool to see how God continues to transform your life in new ways in each country you visit. Miss you!

  5. Praise the Lord for giving you such a loving heart attitude. Now He can take you to places you never thought you could go. I’m so proud of you NayNay. You are growing up so fast but in a good way and in the will of the Lord. Love you, Miss you!