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“Each man’s life is but a breath.” Psalms 39:5
Those are one of the best and most exciting moments for me…Beginnings. Where everything is new. Where everything is uncertain. You can be looking into the eyes of a stranger not even knowing at the first glance- that those will be the most common pairs of eyes you’ll ever look at. Or maybe your first footsteps to somewhere unknown. And that what you’re walking into may end up being a familiar place to you on this Earth.  It’s as if these random happenings are embedded in fate.

Beginnings are full of possibilities, full of risks, and full of Hope. When older, it’s so common to reminisce on the beginnings of anything. A situation, a moment in time, or with a person. Voices echoing, or clearly seeing vivid images that your mind took photographs of. Smells coming back…and feelings as if you’re in that moment. Reliving it in your mind like you’re there again. So young. So innocent. So naïve. You fall back to the start. To the sweet first tastes of something new. One thing I am realizing lately is to become more appreciate of any and every moment. Time has never passed me by more fast than now. It’s like when you don’t have that “something anymore”, that’s when you finally appreciate it. Kind of like, “you don’t know what you got till it’s gone.” Or, how I look at it- You know what you got, however you thought you would never lose it.
A lesson I’ve continued to learn in my life is to really appreciate the people who are in my life right now. Growing up, I moved constantly. Constantly going to new schools. Constantly having to make new friends. And, always- always. I would look back and get so confused and frustrated as to why I took for granted the people in my life. Because I was so used to it, I’d always be so ready and so hesitant to move to a new place, where nobody knew me. However, doing that repeatedly I realized something. …That, wherever you go, you will always meet the same types of people. The ones that are solely acquaintances, the ones that you wish you’d never meet. The people that you absolutely fall in love with, ones that break your heart, and some that you never want to leave. All in all, whomever God brings into our life, whether it is major or small, they impact us in some way. They change us in small quantities. Often times without even realizing. You just have to make the best of it.
It is so important to me, to be aware of my attitude towards others. To always be the best I can be toward them. To constantly have a heart of forgiveness, and grace. Because who am I to judge? We’re people, we all mess up. Yet we are all God’s children. He Fearfully and wonderfully made each and every one of us. Lately, so much more than ever. ( It may be because I am living communally 24/7) I feel as if I am finally understanding the impact we have on other people. How a smile, giving someone the time of day with a conversation, or the way you listen can be so encouraging for another person.
      It all comes back to that one human desire of wanting to love, and be loved in return. I am working on changing my thinking and becoming more thankful for the people and the situations in my life, good or bad.  I always look back, and wish I would’ve appreciated it more in the beginning. I think any day and everyday can be the start of a beautiful beginning. Whether, it’s the start of a new attitude on something.  An outlook on life, the start of a new hobby, or even something that you’ve been pushing to the side for too long. Everyday is a blessing. I’m blessed because I am breathing right now. I am blessed that God has given me free will and this life.  A life where I can mess up, make mistakes, and through his Grace, He will still love me through it all. I just want to encourage whoever reading this, to take a second. Take a second to look around. Look at the people in your life. Look at the people who love you. Who stand by your side, even through your worst. And just- really appreciate them. I know this blog is not necessarily what’s going on around me physically, but rather personally. However, I just felt the need to write these things in hope that someone may be reading this and have the realization that they’ve over-looked people in their life for too long. And not told them how they love them. I think as humans we tend to do it all the time, because we get so wrapped up in our own lives, in our own problems and our own selfishness. Especially when it comes to God. I know I am never grateful enough.
Everyday is a chance at a beginning, and with God it is never too late to turn your life around. To take step in a new direction. To start loving others, and living life with a thankful heart.
I want to say thank you to everyone who has shown me love in some way. Anyone who has cared for me, prayed for me, supported me on this trip or in any aspect of life. Thank you.
& HAPPY NEW YEARS 2013!! 🙂

“The person you took for granted today, may turn out to be the person you need tomorrow.”

“A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need.”  Proverbs 17:17

“Whoever loves a pure heart and gracious speech will have the king as a friend.” Proverbs 22:11

(Some random pictures from this past 2 weeks 🙂 (Link to a fun video, dancing t a Christmas party outreach:))

4 responses to “Beginnings.”

  1. You’re awesome Naynes! I was already very encouraged by your heart, cheerful attitude, and passionate kindness BEFORE you left to serve The Lord in other countries. I can only imagine what he’s shaping you into now as we get a glimpse of it here on your blog. Happy New Year!

  2. I’m so thankful to have you in my life!! You’ve had a huge impact on both Jason and my life! We love you so very much.

  3. So much wisdom Nay Nay. I did smile about you saying “when older”. It’s perspective… me you are so young! Thank you for the updates and pictures, so great. May we all look at every person with the eyes of Jesus! Love you….Millie

  4. Another very insightful blog Nay Nay. You not only demonstrate how much you have grown and matured in your faith but are also teaching and encouraging others through your writings. You make us proud. Glad you survived a Philippine New Year celebration. I know how crazy it can get! Love you!