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Least of These.

Matthew 25:35-40

 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. “Then the righteous will answer him, "Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?  When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’“The King will reply, "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."

I am quite a naïve girl. I day dream a lot. And, a lot of times I base my thoughts on how certain situations will be and how they will feel from what my own mind conjures up. I base it on the beautiful play outs of films. I base it on what I hear. My expectations, and what I think situations will look like, are always so far off from the real thing. Always. Like this trip for example. I was so naïve coming here. Thinking to myself, “It can’t really be that bad. Or, yes I hear of all these terrible things going on in the world, but…how bad can it REALLY be?” The world I live in can’t be that different, from these other peoples living in poverty, right?
How wrong was I. So wrong.
Lately, the realness and rawness of the pain from these people suffering has been really been sinking in, and breaking my heart. It’s when I’m sitting on the sidewalk at night, talking with these people like I’d talk with one of my closest friends. It’s when I’m hanging out with the beautiful women at prison. It’s when I’m at an orphanage staring into a little child’s pair of eyes in complete desperation. It’s when I’m hanging out with a beautiful 15 year old girl, who’s only choice to make money to keep her alive is to sell her body. It’s when I’m helping feed these people-knowing how fast the hunger will come back. Not just the hunger from food. But, something that is much deeper. The hunger for love.
 I am just so infuriated recently. And nothing makes sense. A perfect visual to explain what
I’m talking about is this one area in outer Manila. There is a village. It is so destroyed. Houses (which I can’t even really call them that) But, it’s these shacks, in shambles, falling apart, pieces of cardboard, and metal scraps. These materials as what we’d call “trash”-Been put together by effort to just provide a roof for these families. Their houses are all squished together. It breaks my heart to see it every single time. Just behind that, you see million dollar skyscrapers. You see buildings upon buildings. You see the vast contrast between wealth and poverty at it’s realest. Or I will walk by a beautiful house, the kind you’d see in the states. And, right next door is a family living in shambles. WHY? Why do we live in a world like this? None of us choose what life we’re born into. I know I’ve heard so many people say when it comes to poverty, “ I feel bad. But, that’s how the world always is.” Looking into starving kids eyes, that are just as real as you and I. I can’t think like that. I just can’t accept being “okay” with that’s how the world is.
This week we visited an orphanage, and it has been one of my favorite days yet. We arrived at 9 in the morning. Then the whole morning we were reading them books, jumping on the trampoline together, giving piggy back rides, and we all laughed and played games together. Their laughs are one of the sweetest sounds I have ever heard. However, you’d never guess how much is covered up behind their innocent smiles, and pure laughter. The stories we found out about these children were astonishing. From how some of them were dropped off on the dangerous city streets with nothing at the age of four. How these children were left to die. And, how a young 5 year old girl, was raped, and raped continually-Forced to prostitute. A little 5 year old girl. She is a baby.
These realities break my heart, and make me so sad.
The word, “Sad” can not even describe, or bring justice to the evil sick things that happen to these children. It is terrible, and unbelievable. One thing I know from being on this trip, is that I can do something. I know I have the ability to make differences in these peoples lives. That I don’t have to look at it from an outside perspective, with tear filled eyes. My prayer, and I know the same for my team has been. “God break my heart for what breaks yours.” And, really, my heart has been breaking. I know God has blessed me. I know he’s given me a voice. I know he’s given me health. He’s given me so many blessings. And it’s for a reason. It’s to help and reach those who have nothing. I want to encourage whoever reading this that you are completely capable of helping. There are opportunites every single day to help someone. You don't need to go on a missions trip or be a missionary to do so. Although,if you're callld, GO! However, there is always organizations you can donate to, there are broken people every where,everyday that could use your prescence and love. You just have to be willing.



  1. Once again NayNay, you have shown your friends and family some of the love you have for the Lord and empathy you have for those less fortunate than any of us reading your blogs. I like that you emphasize that we can all do things to bring joy to those around us. A smile. A helping hand. Sharing that this life is temporal and a classless eternity awaits all of us….some of us with Jesus and some totally separated from God. While in this world there will always be “the poor”, In God’s eyes we have no “class”.

  2. Beautiful. It is easy to see your love for these people. Your compassion form them is radiant. God is going to bless you as you continue to seek Him and serve/love those around you. Praying blessings on you and the team.

  3. Finally got a chance to catch up on all these blogs…love all the realizations that have happened during your time in the Philippines! Especially the blessings 🙂 So good

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