
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

"Having Faith..often means doing what others see as crazy. Something is wrong when our lives make sense to unbelievers."
There are people who think that what my squad and I am doing is absolutely ridiculous. When I told them what I was planning to do for these next 9 months, the only sounds to utter from their lips were words of fear, and unimaginability that someone would leave a good life in the U.S to live for almost a year in 3 third world countries. Living out of comfort. Living where anything could happen. And, there were of course the people who supported/prayed for me. Which I am BEYOND blessed for. I honestly can not believe when I first heard God's voice to go on this trip, that it was even possible for one person to donate to me.

But it happened. And I am Here. He is Faithful.Always.

Then there were some people, which strained my heart the deepest..
The ones who thought they could Never do anything like this in their life. Who thought they were not "good" enough. Who somehow believed a lie- that they couldn't in their own way impact the world. Go after what they wanted. Or even possibly hold on to a hope that they might, just might, be able to live out a dream. It breaks my heart. Because, at one time I WAS THAT GIRL. I was that girl who did not think I could impact one single person. Who could do anything worthwhile. To say anything worth listening to. To help be a part of something MUCH greater than I. I didn't know my worth.  I thought of myelf as just another human walking on this Earth.

BUT OH MAN. Did God prove me wrong! Everyday He shows me. Shows me how that I am beyond useable. That every day, every word I speak, any small action I do, and my attitude that I have towards people affects the lives around me. I don't think we realize it… but one smile, one hug, one conversation, or just an assurance of one person to another can mean so much. I do not want to take the small things for granted anymore.
I am so happy to be here, even though difficult at times- to just show L O V E to these people. That's one thing everyone needs. You need to feel/hear it every single day.

HE SAYS THAT WE ARE "Fearfully and wonderfully made"pslam 139:14

"The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness" Jerimiah 31:3
"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10
"But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8

Feel the rain on your skin,  no one else can feel it for you. Only you can let it in. NO ONE else can speak the words on your lips. Drench yourself in words unspoken. Live your life with arms wide open. Today is where your book begins. The rest is still unwritten



4 responses to “Fearfully And Wonderfully.”

  1. Beyond beauty is your presence and soul, beyond the stars is your talents and wisdom, taller and broader than the Redwoods is your strength and courage and beyond my most treasured hopes and dreams I have to thank God every day for having you as my precious daughter. There isn’t a prouder Mommy alive. Thank you for lighting the darkness for those closest to you, those who were strangers just.a few weeks ago and more importantly for those who ho should have been close but have lost their way. God loves you and in his kingdom all of the love you have shown, even from those who don’t show it now, will be yours 10 fold! God promises this too! Mommy

  2. What encouragement you are even for those of us here at home. We can all step outside our comfort zone and love others, we can do the unexpected and be crazy and strange right here at home. Thank you for the words of encouragement. You are truly a light no matter where you are. Praying God blesses you and grows you closer and closer to him.

  3. Praise God for what he’s doing in and through you!! How exciting it is to know that God is using you! I’ve been trying to focus on the same thing these days – loving the people God’s placed around me like He would. It’s such an honor that He would want to use US! So happy you decided to do this trip and make yourself available to whatever He wants to do. Being willing to be uncomfortable for the gospel. It’s such an encouragement to us back home! Thanks NayNay=)
    Love you so much!!!

  4. Such a good verse to mediate on! Your heart is so open and vulnerable here too and that is so good 🙂 Super proud of you Irene!