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 After 4 plane rides,  4 countries, and 2 full days of traveling….I finally made it to The Philippines, YAY πŸ˜€
 Okay so the first day here, our whole squad slept at a ministry site.(Our squad is now split into 3 different teams, separated at 3 different locations)
The ministry site was NICE. An amazing ministry. But by nice, I mean.. they have hot showers, beds, a fitness area, a pool, massages & wifi. That is where the first team is staying- kind of resembling a hotel, and the only thing told to us about my teams ministry is, “Make sure to bring your sleeping pad!”  Then my whole team (7 of us) pile up in a van and we go on our way to the ministry site we will be until January- that we yet to know nothing about. …
That is the name of the place where I am staying. & I am in LOVE. It’s a house, where 20 street boys live. An amazing woman named Sharon runs it. There is a sweet cook Nini, who I absolutely adore ( I spend a lot of my time helping her cook, and going to the market with her..It’s so fun for me, if you know me, you know I love to cookJ)
There is also Xenia, and another woman named Olive who help teach the boys school.(They have an alternative learning school here, for some of the boys)
& This is a regular day here…
One of the older boys get up around 6 to start making breakfast. Usually consisting of rice and hot dogs.
A little bit later, when my team wakes up we help out. Either, helping tutor the boys with school, or doing random jobs such as painting, going to the market, or in some way helping out around the house. We all always have lunch and dinner together, and the afternoons and nights have always been something different. Whether it’s doing outreach and feeding the homeless, street kids in Manila. It could also be having a bible study with women in sex trafficking.( Me, and the 4 other girls on my team will do this every Wednesday) Tonight we’re part-taking in an event called “Youth Got Talent” for some of the Filipino kids, and my team gets to be the judges:) There are just so many opportunities and things we can do, I’m always busy. And, even if we don’t have something “planned” I can always be hanging out with my 20 new brothers. They are a BLAST! One of my absolute favorite things here are nights around the kitchen table. They always end with all of us cracking up laughing. Whether, we’re sitting around telling stories,  just talking, singing worship together, us teaching a little bible study, or even them teaching us a dance.( This week Sarah, and I taught on God having a plan for each one of us, to trust in it, and what God has done in our lives when we trust in Him. The boys ended up sharing about their lives, and really opened up. I love building trust with them, and hearing these untold stories. Also, hearing how much God has worked in their life is incredible.)
I love that I have to sleep on the floors here.( All of us squished in a tiny room) I love eating Filipino food ever day, and taknig bucket showers. I signed up to be immersed in this culture, and show God's love. & That is exactly what I'm able to do here!
It is Family here. I love it. I don't even want to think about leaving here. It's so ironic too, because I was the last person to want to travel to Asia. Now, I'm in love. In love with the culture, the food, the people, Children's Garden, the amazing ministry here, and my 20 new brothers πŸ™‚

5 responses to “I’ve got 20 new Filipino Brothers:)”

  1. Irene, love that you are excited about your new brothers and that they have opened up to you so much already πŸ™‚ You guys have an awesome ministry to work with too. There is so much joy in the way you write and talk about your ministry. Can’t wait to see what happens during the rest of your time at Children’s Garden!

    Oh, and have a great time judging the Youth Got Talent event πŸ˜€

  2. NayNay, We loved so much reading your update. We are so thankful you adapted so quickly to a new location and culture and are now immersing yourself into it. You are an inspiration to those who remain at home, those who you minister too, the other members of your team and also to others who need that encouragement to have a positive attitude and immerse themselves into the culture of where God has placed them. Proud of you girl!!

  3. Naynay,,,just heard you are in Antipolo at Children’s Garden. That is not far from our home and Faith Academy, a k-12 school for 500 MKs. Your name was given to us via David and Tessie Geraldson and wondered if you might want to meet us. Years back I attended the dedication of Children’s Garden and their new facilities.
    So nice that you are pleased with your surroundings and ministry. Would love to meet you and your group.
    Tad/Barbara Wulliman

  4. Nayns!! =) Soooooo happy that you are enjoying your new ministry in the Philippines! Those boys are so lucky to have you there and I’m sure Nini is so blessed to have your company and help in the kitchen! =) So proud of you.

  5. Consider yourself blessed, Sharon and Xenia are some of the most amazing, spirit-filled women I’ve had the pleasure of being around. CG was one of my absolute favorite places during my Race. Take it in, like you said, you signed up to be immersed. Embrace it, even on the hard days, because you have so much to give but even more to receive. I’ll be praying for you and your team while you’re there. Please tell Sharon that Y-Squad, from last November, loves her and misses her and the boys.