
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Two of my friends in Bethel, threw me a birthday party! Some kids, and a few of my team mates came. It was so fun:)

Dana, me, Cassie & Christy! We're wearing our home-made headbands made from leaves:)

The day we had to say good-bye to Felix's family. One of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I became so close with them. They are such wonderful people.

Me with Felix's family, in the middle of building their house! We even bought them matresses:D They were so excited!

Before building their house. Generally, a lot of houses are made up of sticks.

The house almost finished!!!:)

I got help make tortillas! Of course I made heart-shaped ones;) The Nicaraguans thought it was hilarious!

Jesua. I fell in love with this baby boy. His dad left, and his mom is in Costa Rica working, so now he lives with a random person in the village….This is so many of the  kids stories. Their parents are absent from their lives. I can relate to that, so to be able to share how God is our Father, and what he's done in my life was an absolute blessing…..Welllll..I know when I'm older, I WILL adopt:)

My sweet Karlelie. She is like my little Nicaraguan sister:) She was a brat to everyone, but I absolutely fell in love with her. She is so precious..ONe of the last days she did my hair in pigtails…to match her:) Saying good-bye to her, and my other little girl, Glenda was so hard..They were clinging to me crying, as I was leaving.

My last week in Nicaragua was Fun, crazy, difficult, sad, but worth it. Being in Nicararagua, God taught me so much. From learning patience, being a better servant, loving people, and to ALWAYS, always remember God can always use me if I am willing. He can use anybody. Adios Nicaragua! The people will forever be in my prayers. Thank you for everyone reading this, and who has been praying for me! God did amazing things through my team and I.

2 responses to “ADIOS”

  1. Your heart for relationships with every one you meet is incredible. It is absolutely beautiful to watch, so blessed to be on a team wih you!

  2. So many good memories! Glad your time in Nica was such a blessed one. Praying that the Lord continues to move through you in the Philippines!